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Solving Krusell Smith Model with HARK and SSJ#

By William Du

%pip install sequence_jacobian -q
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
import time

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
from sequence_jacobian import create_model, simple  # functions
from sequence_jacobian.classes import JacobianDict, SteadyStateDict

from HARK.ConsumptionSaving.ConsNewKeynesianModel import NewKeynesianConsumerType
calibration = {
    "eis": 1,
    "delta": 0.025,
    "alpha": 0.11,
    "L": 1.0,
    "K": 1.0,
    "Y": 1.0,
    "r": 0.01,
L_ss = 1.0  # Steady state labor
r_ss = 0.01  # steady state interest rate
Y_ss = 1.0  # steady state output

Given these steady state choices, we will need to find \(K, Z\) to clear the firm first order conditions.

from scipy.optimize import root

def your_funcs(X):
    L = calibration["L"]
    alpha = calibration["alpha"]
    delta = calibration["delta"]

    K, Z = X
    # all RHS have to be 0
    f = [
        alpha * Z * (K / L) ** (alpha - 1) - delta - r_ss,  # r = MPK
        Z * K**alpha * L ** (1 - alpha) - Y_ss,  # Y = Z*F(K,L)

    return f

sol = root(your_funcs, [1.0, 1.0])  # find roots

K_ss, Z_ss = sol.x
 message: The solution converged.
 success: True
  status: 1
     fun: [ 1.749e-14 -5.218e-15]
       x: [ 3.143e+00  8.816e-01]
  method: hybr
    nfev: 14
    fjac: [[-3.675e-01  9.300e-01]
           [-9.300e-01 -3.675e-01]]
       r: [ 3.906e-02  1.143e+00 -3.236e-01]
     qtf: [-4.533e-12 -5.621e-12]

Let’s double check the roots we find produce our chosen steady state values for $ r, Y , L$.

def firm(
    r = alpha * Z * (K / L) ** (alpha - 1) - delta
    w = (1 - alpha) * Z * (K / L) ** alpha
    Y = Z * K**alpha * L ** (1 - alpha)
    return r, w, Y

r_ss, w_ss, Y_ss = firm(sol.x[0], sol.x[1])
print(r_ss, w_ss, Y_ss)
0.010000000000017495 0.8899999999999955 0.9999999999999948
HANK_Dict = {
    # Parameters shared with the perfect foresight model
    "CRRA": calibration["eis"],  # Coefficient of relative risk aversion
    "Rfree": (1 + r_ss),  # Interest factor on assets
    "DiscFac": 0.98,  # Intertemporal discount factor
    "LivPrb": [0.99375],  # Survival probability
    "PermGroFac": [1.00],  # Permanent income growth factor
    # Parameters that specify the income distribution over the lifecycle
    # Standard deviation of log permanent shocks to income
    "PermShkStd": [0.06],
    "PermShkCount": 5,  # Number of points in discrete approximation to permanent income shocks
    # Standard deviation of log transitory shocks to income
    "TranShkStd": [0.2],
    "TranShkCount": 5,
    # HANK params
    "tax_rate": [
    ],  # set to 0.0 because we are going to assume that labor here is actually after tax income
    "labor": [L_ss],
    "wage": [w_ss],
    # Number of points in discrete approximation to transitory income shocks
    "UnempPrb": 0.0,  # Probability of unemployment while working
    "IncUnemp": 0.0,  # Unemployment benefits replacement rate
    "UnempPrbRet": 0.0000,  # Probability of "unemployment" while retired
    "IncUnempRet": 0.0,  # "Unemployment" benefits when retired
    "T_retire": 0.0,  # Period of retirement (0 --> no retirement)
    # Parameters for constructing the "assets above minimum" grid
    "aXtraMin": 0.0001,  # Minimum end-of-period "assets above minimum" value
    "aXtraMax": 2000,  # Maximum end-of-period "assets above minimum" value
    "aXtraCount": 200,  # Number of points in the base grid of "assets above minimum"
    # Exponential nesting factor when constructing "assets above minimum" grid
    "aXtraNestFac": 3,
    "aXtraExtra": None,  # Additional values to add to aXtraGrid
    # Transition Matrix simulation parameters
    "mCount": 200,
    "mMax": 2000,
    "mMin": 0.0001,
    "mFac": 3,

Create HARK agent#

Agent = NewKeynesianConsumerType(**HANK_Dict)

Find Steady state discount factor clear asset market#

We will estimate the discount factor to ensure that asset supply equals the steady state capital we found earlier.

def A_ss_func(beta):
    HANK_Dict["DiscFac"] = beta

    Agent_func = NewKeynesianConsumerType(**HANK_Dict, verbose=False)
    A_ss = Agent_func.compute_steady_state()[0]

    return A_ss

def ss_dif(beta):
    return A_ss_func(beta) - Asset_target

start = time.time()
Asset_target = K_ss

DiscFac = optimize.brentq(ss_dif, 0.8, 0.9999)

print("Time taken to solve for steady state", time.time() - start)
Time taken to solve for steady state 15.923938751220703
# Create a new agent
HANK_Dict["DiscFac"] = DiscFac
Agent_GE = NewKeynesianConsumerType(**HANK_Dict, verbose=False)
A_ss, C_ss = Agent_GE.compute_steady_state()
# to make sure goods and asset markets clear
print("goods_clearing", Y_ss - C_ss - calibration["delta"] * K_ss)
print("asset_clearing", A_ss - K_ss)
goods_clearing 0.01915180971061768
asset_clearing -4.0967496062194186e-10

Computing Heterogenous Agent Jacobians#

start = time.time()

CJACW, AJACW = Agent_GE.calc_jacobian("wage", 300)  # Wage jacobians

print("Time taken to compute jacobians", time.time() - start)
Time taken to compute jacobians 2.081505060195923
plt.xlim(-2, 300)
plt.plot(np.arange(300), np.zeros(300), color="k")
plt.title("Consumption Jacobian Wage")
plt.ylabel("C response")
start = time.time()

CJACR, AJACR = Agent_GE.calc_jacobian("Rfree", 300)  # Rfree jacobians

print("Time taken to compute jacobians", time.time() - start)
Time taken to compute jacobians 1.9681644439697266
plt.plot(np.arange(300), np.zeros(300), color="k")
plt.title("Consumption Jacobian interest rate")
plt.ylabel("C response")
# Store Jacobians in JacobianDict Object
Jacobian_Dict = JacobianDict(
        "C": {
            "w": CJACW,
            "r": CJACR,
        "A": {
            "w": AJACW,
            "r": AJACR,

# Construct SteadyStateDict object
SteadyState_Dict = SteadyStateDict(
        "asset_mkt": 0.0,
        "goods_mkt": 0.0,
        "r": r_ss,
        "Y": Y_ss,
        "A": K_ss,
        "C": C_ss,
        "Z": Z_ss,
        "delta": calibration["delta"],
        "alpha": calibration["alpha"],
        "L": L_ss,
        "K": K_ss,
        "w": w_ss,

Other Blocks of the Model#

def firm(K, L, Z, alpha, delta):
    r = alpha * Z * (K(-1) / L) ** (alpha - 1) - delta
    w = (1 - alpha) * Z * (K(-1) / L) ** alpha
    Y = Z * K(-1) ** alpha * L ** (1 - alpha)
    return r, w, Y

def mkt_clearing(K, A, Y, C, delta):
    asset_mkt = A - K
    goods_mkt = Y - C - delta * K
    return asset_mkt, goods_mkt
ks = create_model([Jacobian_Dict, firm, mkt_clearing], name="Krusell-Smith")

Solving for Impulse Responses#

T = 300  # <-- the length of the IRF
rho_Z = 0.8  # persistence of IRF shock
dZ = 0.001 * Z_ss * rho_Z ** np.arange(T)
shocks = {"Z": dZ}

inputs = ["Z"]
unknowns = ["K"]
targets = ["asset_mkt"]

irfs_Z = ks.solve_impulse_linear(SteadyState_Dict, unknowns, targets, shocks)
def show_irfs(
    labels=[" "],
    ylabel=r"Percentage points (dev. from ss)",
    figsize=(18, 6),
    if len(irfs_list) != len(labels):
        labels = [" "] * len(irfs_list)
    n_var = len(variables)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, n_var, figsize=figsize, sharex=True)
    for i in range(n_var):
        # plot all irfs
        for j, irf in enumerate(irfs_list):
            ax[i].plot(irf[variables[i]][:50], label=labels[j])
        if i == 0:
# Impulse Responses to Productivity Shock
show_irfs([irfs_Z], ["Y", "C", "Z", "K", "r"])

Simulating the model#

from estimation.plots import plot_timeseries
from estimation.routines import simulate
outputs = ["Y", "K", "r"]

sigmas = {"Z": 0.001}
rhos = {"Z": 0.8}
impulses = {}

for i in inputs:
    own_shock = {i: sigmas[i] * rhos[i] ** np.arange(T)}
    impulses[i] = ks.solve_impulse_linear(

T_sim = 156  # 39 years, as in the original SW (2007) sample
data_simul = simulate(list(impulses.values()), outputs, T_sim)
plot_timeseries(data_simul, (1, 3), figsize=(12, 4))
[ ]: