
class HARK.frame.Frame(target: tuple, scope: tuple, default=None, transition=None, objective=None, aggregate=False, control=False, reward=False, context=None)#

Bases: object

An object representing a single ‘frame’ of an optimization problem. A frame defines some variables of a model, including what other variables (if any) they depend on for their values.

  • target (tuple) – A tuple of variable names

  • scope (tuple) – A tuple of variable names. The variables this frame depends on for transitions.

  • default (Distribution) – Default values for these target variables for simulation initialization.

  • transition (function) – A function from scope variables to target variables.

  • objective (function) – A function for use in the solver. [??]

  • aggregate (bool, default False) – True if the frame is an aggregate state variable.

  • control (bool, default False) – True if the frame targets are control variables.

  • reward (bool, default False) – True if the frame targets are reward variables.

  • context (dict, Optional) – A dictionary of additional values used by the transition function.

  • parents (dict) – A dictionary of frames on which these frames depend. May include backward references.

  • children (dict) – A dictionary of frames that depend on this frame. May include forward references.


Empties the references to parents and children.

TODO: Better handling of this aspect of frame state

e.g. setters for the relations

add_suffix(suffix: str)#

Change the names of all variables in this frame’s target and scope (except for backward references) to include an additional suffix.

This is used when copying or repreating frames.

add_backwards_suffix(suffix: str)#

Change the names of any scope variables that are backward references to include an additional suffix.

class HARK.frame.ForwardFrameReference(frame)#

Bases: object

A ‘reference’ to a frame that is in the next period.

The graphical children of frames that are at the “end” of a period will have these references pointing to frames that are at the begining of the next period.


frame (Frame) – The frame to which this reference refers.

class HARK.frame.BackwardFrameReference(frame)#

Bases: object

A ‘reference’ to a frame that is in the previous period.

The graphical parents of frames that are at the “beginning” of a period will be these references to frames in the previous period.


frame (Frame) – The frame to which this reference refers.

class HARK.frame.FrameSet#

Bases: OrderedDict

A data structure for a collection of frames.

Wraps an ordered dictionary, where keys are tuples of variable names, and values are Frames.

Preserves order. Is sliceable and has index() functions like a list. Supports lookup of frame by variable name.


Returns the frame in this frame set that includes the named variable as a target.


var_name (str) – The name of a variable


Returns the frame in this frame set that corresponds to the given numerical index.


k (int) – The numerical index of the frame in the FrameSet

class HARK.frame.FrameModel(frames, parameters, infinite=True)#

Bases: Model

A class that represents a model, defined in terms of Frames.

Frames can be transitional/functional, or they can be control frames (subject to an agent’s policy), or a reward frame.

FrameModels can be composed with other FrameModels into new models.

  • frames ([Frame]) – List of frames to include in the FrameSet.

  • parameters (dict)

  • infinite (bool) – True if the model is an infinite model, such that state variables are assumed to be available as scope for the next period’s transitions.


frames (FrameSet[Frame]) – #Keys are tuples of strings corresponding to model variables. #Values are methods. #Each frame method should update the the variables #named in the key. #Frame order is significant here.

prepend(model, suffix='_0')#

Combine this FrameModel with another FrameModel.

TODO: Checks to make sure the endpoints match.

  • model (FrameModel)

  • suffix (str) – A suffix to add to any variables in the prepended model that have a name conflict with the old model.

Return type:



Remove the forward references from the end of the model, making the model “finite”.

Return type:



Returns a new FrameModel consisting of this model repeated N times.


tv_parameters (dict) –

A dictionary of ‘time-varying’ parameters. Keys are (original) variable names. Values are dictionaries with:

  • Keys are parameter names.

  • Values as iterable contain time-varying parameter values. All time-varying values assumes to be of same length, N.

class HARK.frame.FrameAgentType(model, **kwds)#

Bases: AgentType

A variation of AgentType that uses Frames to organize its simulation steps.

The FrameAgentType is initalizaed with a FrameModel, which contains all the information needed to execute generic simulation methods.


model (FrameModel)


decision_rules (dict) – A dictionary of decision rules used to determine the transitions of control variables.

cycles = 0#

Prepares this AgentType for a new simulation. Resets the internal random number generator, makes initial states for all agents (using sim_birth), clears histories of tracked variables.



Return type:



Simulates one period for this type. Calls each frame in order. These should be defined for AgentType subclasses, except getMortality (define its components simDeath and simBirth instead) and readShocks.



Return type:



Makes new agents for the simulation. Takes a boolean array as an input, indicating which agent indices are to be “born”.

Populates model variable values with value from init property


which_agents (np.array(Bool)) – Boolean array of size self.AgentCount indicating which agents should be “born”.

Return type:



Updates the model variables in target using the transition function. The transition function will use current model variable state as arguments.

control_transition_age_varying(target, **context)#

Generic transition method for a control frame for when the variable has an age-varying decision rule.

HARK.frame.draw_frame_model(frame_model: FrameModel, figsize=(8, 8), dot=False)#

Draws a FrameModel as an influence diagram.

Round nodes : chance variables Square nodes: control variables Rhombus nodes: reward variables Hexagon nodes: aggregate variables