
This file contains classes and functions for representing, solving, and simulating agents who must allocate their resources among consumption, saving in a risk-free asset (with a low return), and saving in a risky asset (with higher average return).

This file also demonstrates a “frame” model architecture.

class HARK.ConsumptionSaving.ConsPortfolioFrameModel.PortfolioConsumerFrameType(**kwds)#

Bases: FrameAgentType, PortfolioConsumerType

A consumer type with a portfolio choice, using Frame architecture.

A subclass of PortfolioConsumerType for now. This is mainly to keep the _solver_ logic intact.


Solve the model for this instance of an agent type by backward induction. Loops through the sequence of one period problems, passing the solution from period t+1 to the problem for period t.

  • verbose (bool, optional) – If True, solution progress is printed to screen. Default False.

  • presolve (bool, optional) – If True (default), the pre_solve method is run before solving.

Return type:



Birth value for aNrmNow


Birth value for pLvlNow

model = <HARK.frame.FrameModel object>#