
class HARK.econforgeinterp.LinearFast(f_val, grids, extrap_mode='linear', prebuilt_grid=None)#

Bases: MetricObject

A class that constructs and holds all the necessary elements to call a multilinear interpolator from econforge.interpolator in a way that resembles the basic interpolators in HARK.interpolation.

distance_criteria = ['f_val', 'grid_list']#

Evaluates gradient of the interpolator.


args ([numpy.array]) – List of arrays. The i-th entry contains the i-th coordinate of all the points to be evaluated. All entries must have the same shape.


List of the derivatives of the function with respect to each input, evaluated at the given points. E.g. if the interpolator represents 3D function f, f.gradient(x,y,z) will return [df/dx(x,y,z), df/dy(x,y,z), df/dz(x,y,z)]. Each element has the shape of items in args.

Return type:


class HARK.econforgeinterp.DecayInterp(interp, limit_fun, limit_grad=None, extrap_method='decay_prop')#

Bases: MetricObject

A class of interpolators that use a limiting function for extrapolation.

See HARK/examples/Interpolation/DecayInterp.ipynb for examples of how to use this class.

distance_criteria = ['interp']#
extrap_decay_prop(x, closest_x)#

“decay_prop” extrapolation method. Combines the interpolator’s default extrapolation and the limiting function with weights that depend on how far from the grid the values are.

  • x (inputs that require extrapolation.)

  • closest_x (for each of the inputs that require extrapolation, contains) – the closest point that falls inside the grid.

extrap_decay_hark(x, closest_x)#

“decay_hark” extrapolation method. Takes into account the rate at which the interpolator and limiting function are approaching at the edge of the grid for combining them.

  • x (inputs that require extrapolation.)

  • closest_x (for each of the inputs that require extrapolation, contains) – the closest point that falls inside the grid.

extrap_paste(x, closest_x)#

“paste” extrapolation method. Uses the limiting function for extrapolation, but with a vertical shift that “pastes” it to the interpolator at the edge of the grid.

  • x (inputs that require extrapolation.)

  • closest_x (for each of the inputs that require extrapolation, contains) – the closest point that falls inside the grid.