Econ-ARK documentation – HARK#

Useful links: Install HARK | Source Repository | Issues & Ideas

HARK, the Heterogenous Agents Resources & toolKit, is a toolkit for the structural modeling of economic choices of optimizing and non-optimizing heterogeneous agents.

HARK is software written in Python. This is the documentation for that software. It is aimed at computational researchers and other software developers who are building new models with HARK, or are contributing to the core software.

If you are a student trying to learn economic concepts, you might want to look at the DemARK project.

Quick-start guide

To get up-and-running with HARK, see the quick-start guide for a brief overview and guidance on further resources.

Overview and Examples

To learn how HARK works and what it’s capable of, see the Overview and Examples.

API reference

The reference guide contains a detailed description of the HARK API, and assumes an understanding of HARK’s key concepts.

Developer’s guide

Saw a typo in the documentation? Want to improve existing functionalities? The contributing guidelines will guide you through the process of improving Econ-ARK.